Grade Your Website Performance in Seconds For Free

Say goodbye to website guesswork. Get instantly actionable insights on speed, security, SEO, and mobile, and unlock your site's full potential.

Your Website's Performance Matters More Than Ever

Effortlessly Assess Performance, Security, SEO, and Mobile Experience in Seconds

Your website's performance directly impacts sales potential. Research shows that 40% of people leave a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load, while 85% won't browse a site lacking security. Additionally, with 50% of global internet activity on mobile devices, an intuitive mobile experience is crucial. Failing to meet these expectations risks losing customers and trust in your brand's checkout process.

But fear not, evaluate and improve your website's performance effortlessly with Inbouncy's Website Grader. Assess various aspects, including performance, security, SEO, and mobile responsiveness, in seconds. Gain valuable insights to enhance strengths and address weaknesses. Optimize your website today to unlock its full potential for future growth.

Performance Assessment

Assess performance metrics for optimal user experience. Improve website performance by optimizing images and minimizing code for faster loading times and smoother navigation.

Performance Assessment
Security Analysis

Security Analysis

Scan for vulnerabilities and threats on your website. Get recommendations to strengthen security measures, including SSL encryption, software updates, and robust firewall settings, to protect sensitive data against cyberattacks.

Mobile Experience Evaluation

Evaluate your website's mobile-friendliness, including layout, font size, touch responsiveness, and navigation. Optimize for mobile users with responsive design techniques and mobile-friendly features for a better user experience.

Mobile Experience Evaluation
SEO Optimization Insights

SEO Optimization Insights

Get insights into your website's SEO performance, optimize content and meta tags, and build high-quality backlinks to improve search engine visibility and drive organic growth.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Our Free Website Grader

Discover how our innovative tool can revolutionize your online presence, skyrocket your website's performance, and drive unprecedented success.

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Jennifer McNelly
Jennifer McNelly
Marketing + Sales Hub | Implementation

Using the Website Grader Tool was a game-changer for our business. It helped us identify performance issues and optimize our website for better user experience. Highly recommended!

Scott Robins
Scott Robins
Revenue Operations

I was amazed by the insights provided by the Website Grader Tool. It helped me understand SEO better and improve my website's search engine ranking. Thank you for this valuable resource!

Audrey Ayers
Audrey Ayers
User-Centered Website Design

As a digital marketer, I rely on tools like the Website Grader to assess website performance. It's comprehensive, easy to use, and provides actionable recommendations for improvement. Great tool!

Bruce Smith
Bruce Smith
Salesforce Customization

The Website Grader Tool helped me identify security vulnerabilities on my website that I wasn't aware of. With its recommendations, I was able to fortify my site's security and protect it from potential threats. A must-have tool for website owners!


Worried about your website's performance? Our free website grader provides valuable insights, but sometimes you need a deeper dive. Schedule a free consultation call today with and discuss with our experts.

What is the Website Grader tool?

The Website Grader tool is an online tool that evaluates various aspects of a website's performance, including speed, security, mobile-friendliness, and SEO.

What metrics does the Website Grader analyze?

The Website Grader examines various metrics such as the speed at which pages load, the adaptability of websites on mobile devices, potential security vulnerabilities, and important SEO components like meta tags.

How often should I use the Website Grader to evaluate my website?

It is recommended to use the Website Grader periodically to monitor your website's performance and identify any areas that may need improvement. Frequency may depend on the frequency of updates and changes to your website.

Is the Website Grader tool suitable for all types of websites?

Yes, the Website Grader is designed to assess the performance of various types of websites, including business websites, blogs, e-commerce sites, and more.

How can I optimize my website's performance?

Optimizing your website's performance is crucial for enhancing user experience, increasing traffic, and boosting conversion rates. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Page Size: Aim to keep your page size below 3MB to ensure faster loading times.

  2. Page Requests: Reduce the number of HTTP requests your website makes to speed up loading times.

  3. Page Speed: Ensure your webpages become interactive within 5.3 seconds to prevent visitors from abandoning your site.

  4. Browser Caching: Enable browser caching to store frequently used content locally and speed up website loading.

  5. Minimal Page Redirects: Limit the number of redirects on your site to avoid slowing down the loading process.

  6. Image Size Optimization: Optimize image sizes, use responsive images, or SVGs to improve loading speed on different screen sizes.

  7. Minified JavaScript: Compress JavaScript files to reduce their size and improve website performance.

  8. Minified CSS: Compress CSS files to minimize file size and enhance website loading speed.

How can I optimize my website for mobile users?

Optimizing your website for mobile users is crucial for providing a seamless browsing experience and improving search rankings. Here are some key considerations to ensure your website is mobile-friendly:

  1. Legible Font Size: Use a minimum font size of 12px to ensure text is easily readable on mobile devices. Small text can be difficult for users to read and may lead to a poor user experience.

  2. Tap Targets: Ensure interactive elements like buttons and links are appropriately sized and spaced to accommodate touch inputs on mobile devices. Avoid making these elements too small or too close together, as it can frustrate users and lead to accidental clicks.

  3. Responsive Design: Implement responsive design techniques to ensure your website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. Responsive websites receive a ranking boost in mobile search results, improving visibility and accessibility for mobile users.

How do I interpret the results of the Website Grader tool?

Once you receive the results from the Website Grader tool, you'll notice three columns: Performance, Current, and Recommendation. Here's what each column represents and what you should do next:

  1. Performance (Issue):

    • This column highlights the specific aspect of your website's performance that was evaluated, such as page speed, mobile-friendliness, or security.

  2. Current:

    • Here, you'll see your website's current score or performance level for the corresponding issue. This score reflects how well your website is currently performing in that particular aspect.

  3. Recommendation:

    • The recommendation column provides insights into what you can do to improve your website's performance in the identified area. It includes the recommended score or performance level you should aim for, along with actionable steps or suggestions on how to address any issues or shortcomings identified by the Website Grader tool.

Next Steps:

  • Review each aspect of your website's performance as indicated by the Website Grader tool.
  • Identify areas where your website may need improvement based on the recommendations provided.
  • Take actionable steps to address any issues or shortcomings highlighted by the tool, following the provided recommendations and guidelines.
  • Regularly re-evaluate your website's performance using the Website Grader tool to track improvements and ensure ongoing optimization.

How does the Website Grader assess website performance?

The Website Grader assesses website performance by analyzing factors such as loading speed, page responsiveness, security protocols, mobile compatibility, and search engine optimization.

Is the Website Grader tool free to use?

Yes, the Website Grader tool is free to use for anyone interested in assessing their website's performance.

Can the Website Grader help improve my website's search engine ranking?

Yes, the Website Grader provides insights and recommendations to help improve various SEO aspects of your website, which can positively impact your search engine ranking over time.

Can I use the Website Grader for mobile websites?

Yes, the Website Grader evaluates both desktop and mobile versions of websites to ensure a comprehensive assessment of performance across all devices.

How can I improve my website's SEO?

Improving your website's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for better visibility and ranking in search results. Here are some key strategies to enhance your website's SEO:

  1. Permission to Index: Ensure search engines have permission to index your web pages. Without indexing, your pages won't appear in search results, regardless of other optimizations.

  2. Meta Description Optimization: Craft informative and engaging meta descriptions that accurately summarize your page content. This helps search engine users understand the relevance of your page and encourages click-through rates.

  3. Content Plugins: Avoid relying on content that requires browser plugins like Flash, as search engines may struggle to understand and index this content. Instead, use accessible and SEO-friendly content formats.

  4. Descriptive Link Text: Use descriptive and relevant anchor text for your hyperlinks. Avoid generic phrases like "Click here," and instead, use descriptive text that provides context about the linked content. This improves user experience and helps search engines understand the content of your pages.

How can I enhance my website's security?

Ensuring the security of your website is essential to protect both your data and your visitors' information. Here are some key security measures to implement:

  1. HTTPS Encryption: Secure your website with HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted between the user's browser and your server. HTTPS not only protects against attacks but also instills trust and confidence in visitors, signaling that your site is authentic and secure.

  2. Secure JavaScript Libraries: Regularly update and use the latest versions of JavaScript libraries to prevent potential vulnerabilities and exploits. Outdated libraries can be targeted by intruders, compromising your website's security. Keeping your libraries up-to-date helps mitigate security risks and ensures a safer browsing experience for your visitors.